Our Mission
Des Moines Anglican is a church seeking together to become a healthy expression of God’s Kingdom in Des Moines, Iowa. The central invitation of Jesus is for all people to follow him. Thus, to be his follower is to take Jesus up on his invitation to share in his wonderful, loving, gracious, and healing way of life.
Becoming a healthy expression of the Kingdom of God.
What is Anglicanism?
Des Moines Anglican reflects a “three streams” approach to worship. It is our conviction that this approach encourages humility, maturity, and a healthy appreciation for diversity.
When we say that we are “evangelical” we mean that we take seriously God’s command to speak about and live like Jesus. We preach and teach from the Bible because we believe it is the inspired word of God, and our desire is for all people to enter into a saving relationship with Jesus.
When we say that we are “charismatic” we mean that we believe God is present and active among His people. We anticipate the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the church for the conviction of sin, the illumination of truth, and the restoration of all things.
When we say that we are “liturgical” we mean that we value the longevity of historic tradition, the rhythms of the church calendar, the consistency of a lectionary-based teaching plan, and our connection to the global Church.
The Creeds
Creeds are statements of our basic beliefs about God. The term comes from the Latin credo, meaning I believe. The Church has two foundational creeds: the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed. In reciting and affirming these creeds, we join Christians across the world and throughout the ages in affirming our faith in the one God who created us, redeemed us, and sanctifies us.
We are part of Churches for the Sake of Others, or C4SO, a diocese in the Anglican Church of North America.
For more information on C4SO, visit www.c4so.org/.